The result is fa-solid fa-flag (you can also use fas fa-flag). Below the icon name (as title), you will see something like. Go to FontAwesome, look for your desired icon, click on it.Newer versions also have fa-solid, fa-brands, fa-light or fa-regular (pro also has fa-thin, fa-duotone).Icon names are in hyphen-serapated case and always begin with “fas fa-”, “fab fa-”, “fal fa-” or “far fa-” prefixes.“account-key”), prefix it with “mdi-” and you get the result (eg. Go to MDI, look for your desired icon, click on it.Icon names are in hyphen-separated case and always begin with “mdi-” prefix.Go to Material Icons and Symbols, look for your desired icon.Naming convention Material Icons (Google) QIcon “name” property is same as “class” attribute value in Line Awesome docs examples (where they show tags) v1.5+ Notice the use of dash characters Use only one of mdi-v6, mdi-v5, mdi-v4 or mdi-v3
Note: a license must be purchased from Fontawesome for this functionality) QIcon “name” property is same as “class” attribute value in Fontawesome docs examples (where they show tags)įa- fa. Use QIcon instead of component Logo icons require ‘ion-logo-’ prefix Notice the underline character instead of dash or space